Refugee Health Disparties Game: Avoiding the Prisoner’s Dilemma (3)

(See part 1)
(See part 2)
Avoiding the Prisoner’s Dilemma, or collaborative ways to really solve huge health inequality that exists in the Montagnard community.
 Feb 10, 2012. Snapped at the Department of Public 
Health office at 1203 Maple Street, Greensboro NC

Bad news from a broken system. Guilford County and the region’s health systems fail to work together, resulting in the shutdown of one of two HealthServe offices that serve the poor in Greensboro. The spirit and tradition of the Piedmont has been for decision-makers to reserve the right not to explain their decisions (“Brian Ellerby, CEO of Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine, could not be reached for comment... Tim Clontz, executive vice president of health services at Moses Cone, declined to comment...”— News-Record) and to order everyone on payroll to say nothing.

As discussed in the two previous articles in this series analyzing health problems from a game design perspective, collaboration and joint efforts can’t succeed while game players seek to outwit, outplay, and outlast “the other side” — an absurdity, for sure, but one that is repeated again and again in a system that regards health as a business first. More to come...