Andrew Young (see CV) is an artist, designer, media specialist, educator and advocate. He works with his partner, Betsy Renfrew, artist, educator and documentarian. If you would like to collaborate, contact youngprojects@triad.rr.com

AS ARTISTS, we have been studying community problems and how we could use our unique set of skills to tackle them. We found ourselves looking hard at chronic, unresolved problems involving community, technology, literacy, food, health, and cultural diversity. Where others saw deficits, we saw strengths and solutions. In the middle of a devastating economic downturn, we saw organizations turn inward, away from innovation, afraid of change. 

ONCE WE UNDERSTOOD the forces and attitudes that had driven these problems, we began to advocate specific initiatives. And we teamed up with others to gain their insights and work together. 

HERE IN THE TRIAD, we must convince invested parties to reconsider long held assumptions about what is and isn’t possible. We don’t believe significant change can take place while stakeholders cling to competitive behaviors, scramble over the same funding sources or fail to adopt technology. Community building can’t thrive under these conditions, whether we are talking about developing a high tech game industry or reforming refugee practices. 

WE BRING A CULTURAL perspective to problem-solving. We believe artists need to be heard whenever the focus is on regional and societal problems. We think the resources, tools and talent to build a progressive Piedmont community are right here. 